I'm furious and shocked. Out of the blue, one night I discovered I could not get into my gmail address. Then I started receiving calls from my friends and relatives asking whether I was stranded in Greece and needed money urgently. They said that although the mail did not sound like mine but they were worried that someone may have kidnapped me and forced me to send the note. My friends said that just in case it was a real emergency, they did not want to later regret not helping out when they could save me. I'm so touched!
I'm still very angry with the hacker. Why pick on innocent old me? Not only have I lost the addresses of my contacts, but I also lost valuable information from my 6 years collection of mail. And I feel very upset that he/she is still able to read all my mail to that address.
I've obtained a new gmail address. Not only have I upgraded my "status", the new title and image should warn would-be scammers not to mess around me!
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